Wentworth Real Estate Group wrapped up its 6th annual No Shave November charity event in December. During No Shave November, our agents and staff forgo shaving in order to spark conversation about cancer awareness. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States (Medical News Today 2019).

As you probably know, many cancer patients lose their hair during treatment. The purpose of No Shave November is to raise awareness by embracing our hair. Instead of spending on grooming supplies and hair products, we donate the money. 

Anyone who has ever cared for a sick loved one knows how exhausting it can be. The physical and emotional burden can be overwhelming, not to mention the added financial responsibility. Our hope is that these funds help ease the cost of food, travel, lodging, and expensive co-pays on medication. The donations also help educate about cancer prevention, fund research, and save lives.

With the help of our generous community, our team was able to raise almost $22,000 in charitable donations. Fifty percent of all money donated to Wentworth Group’s No Shave November event went to support U CAN-CER-VIVE. The U CAN-CER-VIVE Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to provide funding for cancer research in Michigan with the end goal of creating a cancer-free world. The other fifty percent went directly to Dominic Bastuba, a fifteen year old in our community fighting epithelioid sarcoma.

These checks were presented to the U CAN-CER-VIVE Foundation and the family of Dominic Batsuba on December 22, 2022.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who donated money to help support this necessary and worthy cause.

If you or someone you know is currently battling cancer and would be a good recipient for No Shave November, please email your story to alexnaum@johnwentworthgroup.com