Kurtis Hissong
Real Estate Professional

Kurtis Hissong
Real Estate Professional

Licensing: 6501439146

With 13 years experience in public service, Kurtis takes pride in his commitment to his clients. Kurtis, a Genesee County native, has over 12 years experience in residential construction. Along with his background in construction, he also served as a police officer for 13 years prior to pursuing real estate.

"I really enjoy the interaction with clients and the relationship that builds while searching for that perfect home! My background in residential construction assists my clients and I with envisioning the possible remodels in a home. It also helps me in detecting faults in construction, saving my clients time and energy. My history in law enforcement gives me a fearless edge of negotiating for my client's best interest! I am so incredibly happy to be a part of this amazing team!"

All roads that lead to success have to pass through Hardwork Blvd.

-Dr. Eric Thomas

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