• Decreased risk of disease

  • More energy

  • Increased happiness, less depression

  • Increased feelings of self-worth


Keeping in line with our motto of personal development to create life changing results, we don’t just emphasize professional development.  We also strongly encourage ALL employees to address their fitness needs as well. Regular physical activity is extremely important to your overall health.  An active lifestyle can improve brain function, manage weight, reduce risk of bone and muscle disease, and improve your overall quality of life. 

Thus, we will be engaging in our inaugural Wentworth Fitness Challenge.  Broken down into teams of three, each group will be timed and evaluated in order to determine the collective fitness level of each group.  Those groups will then have 75 days to improve on they’re initial times.  At the conclusion of the 75 day period, the groups will be reevaluated and a winner determined.

All done in the name of fun, the Wentworth Fitness Challenge was brought about as a way to promote teamwork, healthy living, and to help foster a family atmosphere.  We encourage EVERYONE to join in adopting a more healthy lifestyle.