Christmas is a festive time. Families gather to reflect on the memories and accomplishments of the past year with an eye toward the future. For many of us, Christmas means gifts and the promise of a delicious meal. However, it is during these times that we should be aware of those who don’t have the means to give gifts or access to proper food.

The holidays can be especially brutal for people who are less fortunate. The Christmas season takes place during the coldest and harshest part of the year, meaning those with little access to food and shelter are particularly vulnerable. 

Giving back or donating your time can offer help and hope to those who need it most. There are many local organizations who are always looking for donations of time or money, including the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The food bank is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1981, with over 700 hunger relief partners. It is responsible for serving more than 330,000 families and distributes more than 28 million pounds of food annually.

On Thursday December 15th, more than twenty staff and agents from the Wentworth Real Estate Group took part in processing and packaging meals at the food bank. In just two hours, we were able to package enough food for almost 20,000 people. Our agents and staff were happy to be able to support this organization’s efforts in the community.

Many families choose to incorporate some type of service into their holiday celebrations. If you’re looking to help, here are a few local organizations: